
NYABAA 2024 Highlights List

NYABAA 2024 Highlights List

We are bringing many wonderful things to the NYABAA book fair, most of which are listed in our Long [long] List. Here is a short, pithy list of highlights with a handful of images.

NYABAA 2024 Long List

NYABAA 2024 Long List

A more or less inclusive (a few surprises remain) list of what will be filling Booth A10 and the Park Ave. Armory. It is a *long* list...however, more than half is new to our also a fun list.
Shout if you need a pass for the show.

Punk and Punk Adjacent.

Punk and Punk Adjacent.

The punk scene emerged in the early/mid-1970s as a rebellious and DIY movement in the music and cultural landscape. Its lasting importance can be [simplistically] summarized under some broad catagories: Countercultural Rebellion; Social and Political Commentary; Influence on Fashion and Aesthetics; Community Building; DIY Ethos and Grassroots Movement; Musical Innovation and Diverse Subgenres...

The punk scene has left a lasting cultural legacy, influencing subsequent generations of musicians, artists, and activists. Its impact can be seen in the evolution of alternative and indie music, as well as in the continued relevance of punk's rebellious spirit in various countercultural movements.

Erotica: Humor, Challenging, Banned

Erotica: Humor, Challenging, Banned

Published erotica serves various purposes and holds significance in literature and human expression. This short list attempts to embody some of the major highlights:

✴ Exploration of Human Sexuality
✴ Artistic Expression 
✴ Empowerment and Liberation
✴ Cultural and Historical Insights
✴ Entertainment and Escapism
✴ Promotion of Open Dialogue

The reception of erotica varies widely, and opinions on its importance differ based on individual perspectives, historical and cultural contexts, and societal norms. Published, the works captures moments in time, documenting, preserving, and illuminating a essential aspect of the human experience.

Dan Kelm: Single Artist Catalogue

Dan Kelm: Single Artist Catalogue

On rare occasions, a remarkable collection of work appears at once… We are very pleased to be working with Dan Kelm to bring his personal copies of his books (and a handful of association copies of others) to market. To our knowledge, this amount of Dan’s work has never come to market at once and much of this work has been sold out and/or unavailable for a very long while.   

Crowley and Friends

Crowley and Friends

Aleister Crowley [1875-1947], British occultist, mystic, and ceremonial magician…and mountaineer… played a significant role in the development of modern esoteric thought and magical philosophies. He was a highly controversial and flamboyant figure, renowned for his unconventional lifestyle, controversial writings, and alleged involvement in various magical practices.  Crowley's impact on occultism and esoteric philosophy endures, with his ideas continuing to influence various spiritual and artistic movements.

Solstice List 2023

Solstice List 2023

As leaves brittle and curl, we return to the table for this green feast, when the cruel heat of July, exchanges for the cold moon and long night now passing by. The list offered this week reflects on the accessibility of magic and witchcraft. Woven into each item are aspects of paganism and practices that revolve around the movements of the sun and moon, keeping in mind the solstice observance approaches. For those that celebrate the solstice, here are a few ideas for gifts for the pagan in your life.

Yule Book Flood

Yule Book Flood

During the Yule season in Iceland, people celebrate the holiday with a tradition called Jólabókaflóð, which roughly translates to “Yule book flood” in English. We think this should become an international holiday!